Tuesday, February 24, 2009

They're Back!!!

Hayes had to go back to the doctor yesterday and definately does have the chicken pox. She hasn't really run much fever but has an ear infection & a runny nose. Dr. Smith says that this is a part of the chicken pox. The side effects are making her fussy, she can't sleep at night & she wants to be rocked everytime she takes a nap. Last night we were up from 11 to 2. The only way she could sleep is upright on my chest. This makes for a long night for all of those involved. It is pitiful but the good news is that the spots are scabbing over & she had a very light case, only about 20 pox.

1 comment:

Michaela Shurden said...

12-2, huh?? You should have called me. There's a good possibility I was up, too! Ha!