Monday, February 9, 2009


So Hayes now has a Mohawk. Yes, you heard me correctly & I don't have a picture to prove it but will definately get one tomorrow assuming the new hair is here to stay. I washed it Saturday night when we were in Clarksdale & it hasn't been the same since. She woke up with a true mohawk. It doesn't matter if you wet it, brush it, press doesn't get better. This morning, I tried to tuck it under her bow...not successful at all! That hair just has a mind of its own. Apparantely it is starting to curl & just happens to curl straight up in the air right on top of her little blond headed Italian!


The Shermans said...

I must have a picture ASAP.

The Sutton Family said...

i am wanting to see a pic too!:)
i just know that precious hayes' mohawk is the bomb!

Michaela Shurden said...

Well, between Hayes' mohawk and Miller's mullet (according to her daddy) they would make quite a pair!!