Friday, February 6, 2009

9 Month Checkup

Well, Hayes had her 9 month checkup on Wednesday & weighed 17 pounds & was 28 inches long. Dr. Smith told me that she was only 25th percentile in weight but was in the 75th percentile for height. I just cracked up since I am only 5 feet & 1 inch tall. She did good when they pricked her finger. He said that her ears & throat looked perfect! We are so lucky to have such a healthy little girl. The ladies at daycare told me today that she was getting her "personality" & that she used to just sit there & cause no trouble. Well not anymore. They said that she can get out of every single bouncey seat that they have so they had to let her loose & now she just does her own thing. Her new thing is to pat around on her head until she finds her bow & then she sticks it in her mouth really quickly hoping no one saw. Oh and hilarious that her favorite show is the Golden Girls. We keep one recorded on DVR at all times & randomly play it and when the theme song comes on, it doesn't matter where the child is or what she is doing, she swings her head around towards the TV & smiles. She stares at the TV during the entire song & then turns & looks at us & smiles again. Bryce swers it is because that is all I watched when I was on maternity leave!


christina polk said...

That is hilarious!! She is adorble!!

Michaela Shurden said...

Ha! She's just like her momma!!! I wonder which Golden Girl she'll be....

The Crowders said...

I love it that she watches the Golden Girls. So cute! I will have to get AR to watch them.
Didn't we have our GG characters picked out when we lived in June's place??? I am sure I was Spophia since I was such a grandma! :-)
who were you?