Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Monday was a Big Day

Monday Hayes had her checkup at Batson with Dr. Harmon for her kidneys. He said that she was growing out of the problem & we could continue antibiotics for another year & recheck. She weighed in at 19lbs, 2oz. Our 13 month old still hasn't hit 20lbs. Bryce took her to daycare & it was her first day in the toddler room. She got there in time to eat lunch & then got to play for a while before naptime. Please note that they no longer have cribs & have to take naps with a pillow & blanket on a mat. Yeah right! I pray for those caregivers for attempting that task. Needless to say, Hayes came home with no nap all day long so she feel asleep in the car & slept in her carseat until 7:30 eventhough her bedtime is 7. She woke up, ate a little bit & crashed for good. She was WORN out. I think she is going to like Ms. Toni!

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